Need help from my November buddies

Debbie C.
on 1/27/05 7:31 am - Carrollton, GA
To make a long story short I had surgery 11/15/04, have been doing wonderful. No problems except I can eat way more than what most post ops say they can eat. I spoke with Susan Cali at Peachtree Surgical and she said I needed to come in and be seen. I am worried I may have a stoma outlet that is too large. I never get full or the feeling like I have a knot in my chest to let me know I'm full or when to stop eating. So I went in today saw Dr. Scott who came in and said "so you're here for gallbladder problems"? I said no guess again. I had to tell him that I was a gastric bypass patient and that I was concerned I had a problem. We discussed the issue and he said that if I did have an enlarged stoma that there was nothing that they could do for it!!! I said what?!!!!! It was a non issue as far as other patients had not had this problem. I said I don't care about other patients but I do care if I have this issue and they say there is nothing to be done. I had a earlier post from Tonya L (Georgia Board) and she had told me that Duncan came to their support group in February and said that he said that he and other surgeons were doing a procedure that can fix the problem. Of course Dr. Scott had no clue - I let him see the post I printed off the website and of course he could not speak for Duncan. He did call Duncan and he said Duncan said the "procedue" was not FDA approved & that is why they can not do it there. So I go in for a upper GI to see if I have a problem they can't fix?!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so mad and upset. First the appointment was not handled professionally at all second because of the answer I was given. Anyone else gone thru an enlarge stoma? What was the treatment? Debbie
on 1/27/05 3:09 pm - Redlands, CA
Debbie, My girlfriend has an enlarged stoma, but she only found out at her one year anniversary date. She would eat 1/2 of normal servings... and then 10 - 30 min later be able to finish the rest. An hour later than that she would hit the bathroom. Her doctor recommended that she eat fiber rich food....salads, whole grain rice, pasta, breads.... anything with lots of fiber to keep her full longer. She just got the news this week, so I don't know if this works or not. B
on 1/27/05 8:17 pm - Honey Brook, PA
Hey Debbie, What B says is along the lines of what I've heard. Try eating foods that are high in protein and are not "soft". Stay away from yogurt, cottage cheese and stick to more solid sources. NEVER drink with your meals. If you do it will liquify the food in your pouch and make it move through even faster than it is now. Hang in there. Someone who has experienced this is bound to be able to give you really useful advise. Good luck and take care! Deb
MOE *.
on 1/28/05 1:37 pm - jackson, mi
I spoke to a woman at my doctor's office and she was two years post-op and attempting to get plastic surgery. Anyway the plastic surgeon turned her down and told her she still had some more weight she needed to lose, after talking to the gastric by-pass doctor about it ( she hasn't lost any weight in almost a year), he was going to perform a procedure called sclerotherapy. I wrote it down just in case I may need it down the line. She said the doctor told her she'd begin losing right away and would have that 40lbs the plastic surgeon wanted off in two months.
Andrea P
on 1/29/05 12:19 am - Montgomery, NY
I thought sclerotherapy was for varicous veins or spider veins???
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