Went to the doctor....
Thank you to all that responded about the brusining that I have been having. I went to the doctor yesterday and she thinks it could be a vitamin defficency and I had a lot of blood drawn. She said it most likely was caught before anything bad could be happening. So thank you, because I never would have went to the doctor. I hate going to them. Wouldn't know it since I had surgery
Also on a really good note. When I was there I was weighed and I hit the 50lb mark!!!! YEA!! I am soo excited. I wanted to jump up and down. I can't believe in less than two months I have lost that much weight.
This board is awesome and I love reading and getting support here. I couldn't do it with out you all. So thank you. And thank you to all who
posted what they ate yesterday. Thats a good idea to get what people are eating.
Thanks again for all your help!

RNYs tend to have problems with Vitamin K wihich affects blood clotting and therefore can cause bruising. My doc puts me on Viactiv.... which has calcium (although it is carbonate....not here to start a riot) but also has Vitamin K included. For now, I am great.... they are easy to take!