I'm so frustrated and sad!
Ok, you're all probably sick of hearing it already, but I'm stuck and frustrated and upset and at my whits end. I know that I shouldn't get on the scale. I'm 11 weeks post op and have lost 38lbs. I've been hoovering at this loss for more than 5 weeks. I've cut back the carbs, I exercise EVERY day, I've upped my water to 64oz a day. What more can I do. Can this be it for me???? Am I just done losing? Maybe I've screwed my metabolism up so much from past dieting that I can't lose. I can't believe that I've gone through all this and I haven't lost more. I'm trying to keep visions of myself in a decent bathing suit, happy at the beach in my mind as motivation but my damn pants aren't getting any looser. What should I do??!!??
Okay, Deb. First things first... stay off of the scale. The scale is evil.
Seriously, if you feel like you have to weigh yourself at home, try to do it only once a week (on the same day and time each week). Congrats on upping your exercise and water and on cutting your carbs. Have you tried increasing your protein intake? Protein is one of the biggest keys to our success. My doctor warned me that it was totally possible to hit a plateau after the first couple of months and to not get discouraged if it happens.
Whatever you do, don't lose your motivation, Deb. Your weight loss will jump start again. Your body is probably adjusting to the level of food, water and exercise that it's been getting. Try adding 8 oz onto your water intake or an extra 10 minutes or so to your exercise routine. Give your body some variety.
Keep thinking about that bathing suit that you're going to buy this summer and STAY MOTIVATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You CAN do it!

Hey Deb,
Sorry to hear about you saddness.
If my calendar is correct you should be 9 weeks out, not 11 if you had your surgery on the date posted. So that would mean over 4 lbs per week. Thats really great.
I am in a similar situation as you, and all the boards tell me that we are now in the hybernation mode, which most people go through. Your body is saying " What the F*** are you doing to me" and kind of shuts down. Plus if you are working out everyday your using the proteins you are taking in and turning them into muscle. Something most of us aren't used to. Muscle mass weighs more than fat and is more dense. This is very healthy for yo now because you do not want your muscles to deteriorate. Be patient, there is no way you are done.
This is the mind game you are used to when dieting always failed in the past, your mind is telling you to give up, but you can't now so just be:
Mamma always said: "Good things come to those who wait!"
Hang in there, it will get better soon
Hi. I had my surgery a week after you and I know this is not easy. Change itself is not easy. I also understand the fascination with the scale, but you know what-STOP! You seem to be doing all the right things with the water, exercise and watching your carbs. But, give yourself a break. You may be setting yourself up for a let down. I don't know your personal history, but for me before surgery, it was like going on a diet, physched up at first, almost obsessive compulsive with calories, exercise, et****il I couldn't take it anymore and gave up and ate what I shouldn't. That is why I had the surgery. To put a permanent end to the cycle. Think of your new life as getting healthier. Forget the scale.Relax. Do what you need to do to be healthy. This is forever. Learn how to adjust and live with your new tummy and life. Give yourself a "healthy" treat once in a while(doesn't necessarilly mean food) And the key to life is moderation, not total deprivation. Some is better than none. Good doesn't mean have the whole thing. That is what I never got before and I'm new and learning too. No one can understand the issues the way another person dealing with the same things. I truly wish you the best of luck with your journey!

Deb, you are not done losing. How much protein are you getting in and how many calories? Water might have to be increased even a little more. Have you taken measurements? Sometimes you will lose inches instead of pounds. Make sure if you do measurements you don't just measure a couple areas, measure alot. Sometimes you will lose inches in one place but not another. And just remember 38 lbs is alot and right around the average for what people lose at this time frame. Just take things a day at a time and do your protein, water and exercise and the weight will start to come off again.