What is everyones food tolerance now??
Y'all are able to eat so much more of a variety than me. My doc has only allowed soft protiens but includes chicken. Yummy Shrimp does well too. It all works well except lunch meat. I can add veggies, soft cooked, after my appt the 21st. No raw veggies or stea****il after 6 mos. I can add low citris fruit too. I am pumped.
Dry chicken, fish or any other other dry food. I tried the triscuit with tuna welll the triscuit did not work. They worked well warmed up with marinera. I also do bad with left overs.
This is a great question.
its a crap shoot for me...........i never know what will stay down ......sometimes stuff i think i will have a problem with does just fine.and then things that i think should be fine come back up shrtly after eating............i have learned that if i am going out to eat--i always make sure i know wherer the BR is before i order.........i still am doing protein shakes once or twice a day to make sure that i get enough protein........but i am not complaining.i am so glad it did this! hug rae