EXERCISE anyone?
Hey everybody!
Happy New Year to you all! I wanted to ask what you all are doing for exercise at this point of the program. I am getting ready to start something, and should be getting a release from my doc at my appt 1/4, so I can exercise (right now I am limited to walking...no treadmill). I want to kick this weight loss into high gear. Any suggestions?

Hi, Lori - in adittion to cardio, lifting weights is best. Hi reps (12-15 per set with 3 sets apiece for each machine) is best. A good low tech approach is to check out the book Strong Women, Strong Bones. Author is a woman MD. Actually its a series of health books for older women (I'm 40). Very good tips on low cost weight lifting for upper and lower body with suggested regimens and photos of each exercise. Hey, I see my doc on 1/4 also!. Good luck - I'll be thinking of ya. - Martha Bell
HI Lori,
I would agree with the last post that lifting weights is excellent exercise.
I am getting ready to join a gym myself, that is one of my resolutions and one of my husbands as well.
When I was once a thin person, I used to work in a gym - the thing about lifting weights is you will burn 50 more calories per day per one lb of muscle you ad. So while you sleep, you will keep burning calroies in order to keep that new muscle fed and happy.
One thing to keep in mind - when you start to lift weights, you need to stop watching that scale as much and start measuring more. Muscle weighs a LOT more than fat and you don't want to get discouraged.
I joined a gym last week and starting tomorrow I will be attending a very mild water conditioning class. It's meant for Fibromyalgia patients, but for those of you that want to have more cardio I have found Bariatric water classes, etc. For me I need to start at a mild pace due to having FM. I was told NO WEIGHTS until 3 months due to your body breaking down muscle and fat at this stage and weights could break down more muscle. So please check with your doctor BEFORE doing a weight program.
I just hope I can find a bathing suit that fits in time!
Good luck!