I cannot tolerate any form of beef....Not hamburger, not steak, not roast, nothing!! Hamburger is BY FAR, the worst!! It immediately makes me feel like I am going to dump, so I haven't been eating it at all. Has anyone else had this?? Now I can eat chili, but I just have been not putting much hamburger in at all, and adding more beans. So, I have been sticking to mostly chicken, tuna and ham or butterfly chops....I do miss a hamburger though, even though I can't eat much, I love the flavor!!
Well thanks so much for letting me know. My dr. has no restrictions on red meat, but maybe I will try some again in another month or so, and just continue 1 time a month and see how it goes.... Maybe I will try some soups...that could help!! I have never tried a turkey burger...Just wasn't sure what it would taste like! Maybe I will now though!! Thank you both!!
I have puked hamburger before, but most of the time I do not. I think it all depends on 2 factors, 1) how dry the meat is...add sauce to help it go down and 2) how well you chew.
The time I puked it felt like I was puking razor blades, it got stuck in the esophagus. That is a horrible feeling. My doc says anything you cannot tolerate, just to try again in a week or two and you will probably find it to be okay. Good luck! And CHEW CHEW CHEW.
When I went for meeting with nutritionist before surgery she suggested that beef be the last meat that we attempt to try and to delay if possible for at least 6 months!!! something about beef being very fibrous. I have a girlfriend who had this surgery and she is 11mo out and still cannot tolerate beef. I think it is the hardest meat to digest. I would put it away for a while and try again much later.
I guess my group is very conservative.... I haven't even been given the go ahead for any kind of meat....I think we attempt it in two stages..... soft meats (luncheon meats etc) and then others as tolerated.
Good luck
Hi Theresa
I know how you feel. I tried pot roast the other night and boy was I sorry. It sat like a brick in my chest and finally . The same goes for turkey and and dense meat. I am a red meat lover so this is tough for me. I can however, tolerate Wendy's chili, which is very yummy. I can almost eat 3/4 of a large one.