Last night I was awaken by a horrible sense of vertigo - my entire bedroom felt like it was spinning and it was made worse every time I tried to move or turn over. If you have ever been a little intoxicated and gone to bed, you will know that spinny feeling I had last night.
I do have the sniffles so maybe it is an ear infection but what it did make me wonder if maybe I am not getting enough water in and I realized that I wouldn't know dehydration if it bit me on the toe!
So - how do we know if we are dehydrated? What are the specific signs and symptoms we should be looking for and at what point do we go to the ER?
I am still a little dizzy today - the entire world has an unreal quality to it, I can hardly stand in one spot (in the shower I kept falling into the wall) and walking in a straight line is a bit more of a challenge than one would hope. This does ring as an ear infection - I have had them before - but anyway started me thinking about dehydration so thought I would bring it up....
The signs and symptoms of dehydration range from minor to severe.
Increased thirst
Dry mouth and swollen tongue
Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
Sluggishness, even fainting
Inability to sweat
Decreased urine output: Urine color may indicate dehydration. If urine is concentrated and deeply yellow or amber, you may be dehydrated.
(info stolen from )
If it were me...I'd call my PCP or Surgeon, have the answering service page the oncall doctor. Let them help you decide if you can wait till Monday for an appointment or go to the E.R.
Take care of yourself, procrastination usually bites us in the arse.
Good Luck
A similar situation happened to me, but I had decided it was low blood sugar. I hadn't eaten anything in 4 hours and I got so dizzy and spinning that I felt like I was going to pass out. I ate something and laid down for a while and it went away. I didn't even think about dehydration, but that probably was a factor too! I used to depend on the color, thickness, and odor of my urine to tell if I was dehydrated, but my dr. told me now our urine is so heavy and full of fat that it is no longer a good indicator. I think if you are at least going to the bathroom regularly it is a good sign. But, of course, I am not an expert. This has just been working for me!!
Not nearly enough but I am trying.
The day before the spinny day, I had probably had less than 24 oz - I just have such a hard time getting it all in. My doc wants 48-64 ounces. I average about 36 oz depending on the day. Its only 4:30 this afternoon and I have managed to get a full 36 in already, so maybe today I can make it to the min 48