Surgery 3wks ago.
I had surgery Nov 10th and was absolutely fine until this morning. I had some water and oh boy, I felt like I had BAD indigestion so I started walking, thinking this might relieve it. Then I started
that foamy stuff yuh!! I called the dr. and they said this was normal and I probably had an air bubble. I have lost 23.5lbs. and feel really great about that and the whole experience really, the staff at the Barix and Dr. Barbara are GREAT. I need some suggestions though about the puree stage, can't hardly tolerate any of it, just the sight of it and taste, not getting sick on it. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks so much. And good luck to all you other Nov losers out there.

Puree stage:
Don't know what you have tried but howabout
thin packaged mashed potatoes (homemade ones have too much bulk)
cream of mushroom soup (with the mushrooms filtered out)
cheese soup
protein shakes
black bean soup
(any soup that you can pulverize with a hand blender and fit it through a strainer)
Just a few ideas.... Hope you feel better.... it puking continues or gets worse the dr again... you might be developing a stricture