Nov 22, 2004:help:
Jessica I noticed everyone stuff is different so what I was told to bring to the hospital was My water bottle, baby spoon, toohbrush holder ( for you baby spoon). If your pre-testing nurse gave you an Incentive spirometer They gave me mines to take home to pratice breathing in.A case for your contacts or glasses.A pillow one regular one and one small firm for your stomach. Robe,lip balm, soft facial tissue, slippers,sanitary supplies,comfortable loose clothng to wear home,personal toilet items,light reading materials, pictures of your love ones,That's all know to bring to hosptal I hope it elps you are someone
I also have surgery on the 22nd, and someone earlier suggested personal feminine deoderant spray, moist feminine wipes, and I am bringing pads...because it's about that time! The other person mentioned that not being able to shower like you want and nurses constantly checking you out everywhere, it was a good thing to have. Going shopping tomorrow!