How much fluid does your dr recommend you get daily?
I am only 2 days post-op and I can drink all the propel water I want seems like. Is that normal?? I drink constanty and just keep on drinking water, crystal light, opti-source, CIB . Let me know if this in the normal thing or is this too much. I am on liquids for 2 weeks after surgery...ugh. that will be 17 days total...Susan
All of you make me feel better. I rather drink than eat. My surgery was the 10th and today is the 18th. I have been eating jello, yogurt, grits w cheese, eggbeaters, cottage cheese. I was told the most important thing was to get the protein in. I haven't measured how much I drink. But I would guess about 20 oz. just liquid. I hope to get it up higher. Susan E