surg. Nov. 5th... back home
well, more than discomfort for me, but I'm alive! I had demorol (sp?) in the hospital and felt great, but I dump on the liquid tylenol they gave me for pain, so I'm trying to go without it now
I got 19 oz of liquid today (it's harder than you think), water, broth, some protein (the protein is making me GAG).
I am having "buyers remorse" but keep telling myself to "shutup!". It comes and goes.
I really want a meat lovers pizza.
The good news is, in 4 days I've lost 10 pounds.

I'm still pre-op (11/15) but there is a great post on the main message board with someone having real regrets and a lot of post ops reassuring her. From what I read this will pass. You definitely did the right thing. Congratulations for coming through with no problems. I'm hoping it goes well for me too. Good Luck
My day is 11-22 -04 Dr. Zorn Cal. I saw where people made s/f pudding with protien powder in it ?? or try to use the Atkins yogurt Smoothie drinks & protien powders, you also add crushed ice. Jello?? I was going to look in the baby food section too ??? But YOU DID IT !!! no regrets !!
we are women !!! we are bettering are life !!! I am proud of you. keep writing i know our support will help get you through. so i have been reading.................... But just in case when i get out of the hospital you can give me support. hang in there............10lbs. gone & not going to return !!!!! sue stephan california
Hi Donna, Hang in there i guess is all I can say, and I know what you are going through. My surgery was Nov. 4. I did not respond well to the nasal tube, and tried to pull it out twice in my sleep. this made for a great deal of discomfort, and nausea, but I made it! I am home now, 1 week post op, and -12 lbs.!! Not having what I would call cravings at this point, but looking forward to a year down the road when I can enjoy some things. Right now, am experiencing same problems with getting in the water requirement, just feel very full !! Some pain, nausea, and sizziness....very sensitive to smells, I think this is because I do not tolerate anesthesia.LOL Am trying not to sound like a baby, but also trying to be very honest about my own experience so far. Dr. kept me on stage one because of my difficulty getting in the water. So for now its basically jello, and diluted juice. He said not to add the protein drinks yet, but the one that evryone here recommends is Carnation Instant Breakfast (For the Carb Conscious) (Blue box) Take care, and good luck!!! ~DEana~