I have been reading the posts. I'm glad I am not alone. I am 58 and probably because I'm older am a little concerned. I'm in good health otherwise. I have a cold and Primary gave me antibiotic today for 7 days. I called PA and they told me to call back this coming friday for an update. I make jewelry and had a great weekend show this past weekend. I have my last one before surgery this coming weekend. I'm trying to keep as busy as possible so I don't drive myself too crazy before surgery. I am praying my heart out and have alot of others praying for me too. I think you have your ups and downs. One day I'm all brave and gung ho and the next I'm wondering if I will be here next month. Thats something I think you think of in all operations not just this one. This one is an elective surgery so I think it is why we do this. I also think a positive attitude goes along way to healing and getting through any surgery. So come on gang lets think about how thin we will be, how healthy we will be. I'm not even that worried about the eating just getting throught the surgery will make me happy. I have also thought about writing some directions down for my hubby. I may still do it before next week. Glad to hear I have other peers in the same emotional roller coaster. Anyone else have the 19th of November?
Hi Nancy,
I am so glad you posted! I am 63, and I share your own concerns about the age factor. It really weighs on my mind, constantly. I just have to leave it in God's hands, however. As my date (the 16th) gets closer, I am becoming more and more scared and panicky. More and more, I am wondering if I should cancel my surgery date, or even postpone it until I am more "psyched" out for it. But, then I know if I cancel it, I will just continue my bad eating habits, and possibly not live too many more years. If I postpone it, I will only prolong the agony of anticipation.
I am really just a bundle of nerves and emotions right now, and feel like I am losing my @#$%^ mind!!
They will probably wheel me into the OR staring into space, drooling, and muttering incoherently!!

Thanks for the post. I am so glad I found this site. My husband is worried but okay with the surgery. My sister and father are completely against it. They give me no support at all. Tell me about the bad side not the good side. I sure hope they have happy medication before we go in. I want a gallon. I am really getting paranoid too. I think about it all the time. Like you if I don't have it I'm doomed weightwise. Long story and long trying history. I want to be normal!!! I want to give the bad sign to Lane bryant and cut up the card. I want to go in a store and buy something in regular size. I want to be healthy and cholesterol down, no high blood pressure and I want to fit in a seat comfortably. I thought I was too old for this surgery. My daughter had the people at barix center PA call me and they said I was not old. But anyway here I am, and here you are. Thanks again and keep up with how you are doing. God bless you and I will be praying. Maybe if we get enough prayers we will breeze through. Good luck
Gee, it sure is good to know I'm not the only person out there who is scared and nervous! I'm 57 and my surgery is set for TOMORROW! It's 5 am and sleep is just not going to happen. This time tomorrow I must be at the hospital for a 7am surgery. I keep telling myself it will be okay and really believe that but .... I'll get back on as soon as I'm home from the hospital and let you know how it is. Your outlook seems great, keep your chin up and design some nice pin WLS people can wear so we recognize each other cause once we have the surgery we look just like all the other skinny people in the world LOL. Take care of yourself, get rid of the cold, and good luck! Cindy
By the time I post this you are probably in surgery right now. My goodness I got some good response. My sister and father are against this and all they do is think of complications and worse. I needed some more positive feedback. I am praying all went well with yours. Please post when you can. I am anxious to see how you do. Good idea about a pin. I will have to think about that. There must be some colors or some kind of design I can make. I will have to get some ideas from the board. Anyway, good luck. Need to talk please email me.
Thank you ladies for the kind words. It's 1:45 on Tuesday afternoon and I'm half way through my pre-op instruction sheet. If I live through this I can handle anything! LOL At about 5 this morning I passed from scared to excited, just anxious to be out of surgery and up and walking by this time tomorrow. Just a little something to shoot for
I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I'll post again as soon as I can. Good luck to all. Cindy

Hi Cindy...as you've read...you're not alone. I will be having my surgery done the same day as you and I'm feeling everything you are to the "T"! I seem to change daily from one extreme to the other...can't wait for the 19th to get here. I want to be healthy again and not have to take a handful of pills every morning to get going...ugh!!!! I know we're going to come through "our day" with flying colors and begin our new life with a new outlook. God Bless and keep in touch...we'll trade "war" stories!!

Hi all,
My date is the 29th of Nov and sometimes I am so nervous and scared I feel as though I will have an anxiety attack. I believe in God and am a Christian and He will have to get me through this cause I don't feel like I would make it on my own. I know they say (and I am a nurse myself) that the risks of not having it are worse the surgery, but, that doesn't stop the worry, does it??? I know together that we can get through this and I will keep all of you in my prayers. Keep the good thoughts and know that we are in good hands. After all, we chose our surgeons and they are good at their jobs. God will handle the rest. Love to you all and many blessings...
Linda in Va.