Nov 15-Anyone?

I had my surgery Nov 10. I have to say right now that I never had much pain!!!! I don't know why and I don't care. It was the easiest thing I could have had. I was a nervous wreck of course. I had to shower the night before with this special sponge and in the morning before going to the hospital. The IV I didn't even feel. I was the most nervous about that. This nurse was so good.
I was going to write letters to my hubby and daughters but I had decided to let everything be in the hands of God. It was anyway (in my personal opinion). So they took me to surgery. It lasted 2 hours and then I had to wait somewhere until I came to and was able to go to my room. The nurses and my doctor were the best.
I felt taken care of like a princess. I felt good enough to sit up in a chair for an hour the evening of surgery. I also walked around the floor outside too. I must add that my levels of everything is absolutely normal. No high blood pressure, no diabetes. I do snore but dont think I have sleep apnea. I was just overweight. I went in at 5:30 am on Wednesday and left at 2:00 pm on Friday. I go next Friday and get my drainage tube and stitches out. I've been eating pretty well. I drink Crystal Ligh****er and protein shakes. I've eaten tuna salad, mashed potatoes, Pinto beans & cheese from Taco Bell and sf puddings, etc. My sister is here and she cooked me some sweet potatoes and some asparagus. Then she froze them in ice trays for me for after she is gone home. I am not looking forward to a whole month of soft foods but I think I can handle it with some variety. One thing I think that everyone should take to the hospital with them is some chapstick and they gave me a little mouth wash. So that first day when I couldn't have anything to drink, I would swish the mouthwash and then spit it out. Then use the chapstick. It helped me not feel so cotton mouthed. Since Wednesday, I've lost 17 pounds. Not bad. The worst part for me was the nurses coming in every couple of hours and waking me up. I'm now taking Vicodin Liquid every 6 hours in the evening and Liquid Tylenol for Infants during the day if I need it. Out of a range from 1 to 10, my pain never got over a 2. There is one thing where the pain incapacitates me. When you press the air out of your tubing to get a clot out from the drain, the pain in my shoulder is horrible. Just don't do it. Let it work itself out if it will. Sorry to be so long but wanted to reassure you guys that it is so worth it.
xoxo Alice