Who'Dah thunk ...........
............................. That we as a group would be bonded by a "month" as special as ours
This Month is approaching very quickly and before you know it , your date will be here and it will be your time to shine!!! I am schedualed for an open gastric bypass on the 2cnd of November, so I won't be at the keys as much as I am know ( who am I kidding, heck I am here every DAY ) Anywho...... I wish you ALL the VERY best with your surgeries and don't think for one second you are ever alone in your triumps and struggles, you are just a PC click away from people who have been there, done that and most of all realy care about your well being. May God Bless each and every one of you and I shall see you all on the losing side
Oh,.... words of wisedom? "Remember in life the only regrets are the risks you weren't willing to take." .............. I recall hearing this off from the movie , "Grumpie Old Men"......Who'dah Thunk it
Tracy - Rae