Hello!! My surgery date is November 22nd!!!
dragonfly queen
on 10/16/04 4:03 am
on 10/16/04 4:03 am
Hi all...I didn't even know their was a surgery month board.
I am so glad to have finally gotten my date. I chose this date because our company is closing and this will be at the end of production and I will have less stress (I hope!) at that time. I am a line planner and procurement specialist in the automotive field. Stress is my middle name, lol.
I go back and forth between total calm and total terror. I guess that is normal since we are making a drastic change in our lives.
Just wanted to say hello.
Maybe we could start a thread of different things we are doing to get prepared for our surgeries. Might help eachother and give us something to focus on!

Hi Lori Im having sx. on Nov. 2 and Im getting more anxious as the min. tick by. Im focusing on excercise , food portion, and losing 15lbs before sx. I don;t have a scale so I'll be seeing my dr. on the 20th and I'll know then. I think it is ok. Will be praying that everything goes without a hitch and will see you on the otherside. Mary