New , scared with a date

Where in California? I live in Idaho and I am having mine in California the 1st week of November. As long as you have checked out the doctor and his record, you have everything but weight to gain be having the surgery. I also am diabetic with high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc., etc. My doctor, my brother (hospital administrator), my sister in law (head surgical nurse) all said this will be my new lease on life. I am 52 and plan on being around for a long time. I will not be if I do not have the surgery. I am excited, not anxious; counting the days until I have my new life started. I have ordered my vitamins and protein drink. I was told to start the vitamins early, so I am good and healthy for surgery. I would love to keep in touch with you and go thru this together. My e-mail is [email protected], Suzi, feel free to contact me if you want a buddy thru this. Good luck I am sending you a peach angel
Her job is to remove the fear from you
Write me, I am a good listener.......or reader...... suzi

Darlin, if you weren't feeling atleast a lil scared then I would think there was something wrong with you :P Mines Nov 2, and I am a rollercoaster of emotions. What I do when I am feeling "EKKKKKK" about it, is I take a deep breath and look at my list of pro's about this surgery I am going to have. I know the biggest "con" is death, but I am slowly die'en as it is if I sit here and live my life the way I do now.
I am one tough cookie and it's going to take more then this to bring me down, so YOU keep your chin up, realize that feeling scared is human and I look foward to seeing you on the loozen side, heck I will even save a seat for you on the bench

Tracy Rae I have been e-mailing alean and telling her I also will keep in touch with her. My surgery is on Nov 2 also and you know, I am not the least bit scared. I guess I have alot of confidence in the hospital and my surgeon. My brother and sister-in-law are admin and head surgical nurse and they brought the surgeon on staff because of his great record and reputation. I had my gall bladder out last year and a tumor removed from my liver and this should be about the same. I am only alittle nervous about the after surgery, ie. protein drink and complete change in life style. So lets save a seat between us for alean on the loosing side. For once I look forward to being a "looser". God Bless you, You will be in my prayers for peace and comfort to get you thru this.