How are you dealing with the sweets?
Hi everyone! Now that we're two years out, how are you all doing with the sweets at this time of year? I've handled it quite well over the last 2 years (of course, 2 years ago it was immediately post op and wasn't an issue). I guess last year I was so excited and doing so well that it was easier. This year it's not the case. It's like I'm addicted to sugar.
I've put on 10 pounds and am no longer losing. I'm not working out either, which is probably the biggest problem! I'm very determined to start working out again and it's not going to be a New Year's resolution but a daily decision.
Has anyone switched over to no refined white flour or sugar and gotten off of sweetner completely? I'm really looking into making a drastic change but doing it all a little at a time (so my family doesn't freak out!)! I had this surgery to drastically change my life and I want to be healthy!
Any ideas would be great!

I know how you are feeling. I have put on 10 lbs
, gotten away from working out
and I have not lost weight in about 6 mounth
. I have a really hard time this time of year also with the sweets because I love to bake and my family would be lost if I did not make them wounderful treats. I wish I had the answers for you and maybe someone reading this will have one for both of us. I am just starting to work out again and walking as much as I can. I am hoping this will help me get off this platoe.
Please keep me posted on what may work for you and I will try to do the same.

I'm addicted to Halloween Oreos and treat myself to 3 a day. I'm bad on them, and they make me sick on top of that.
I've gone from a size 0 to a size 6. Not happy. I refuse to weigh more than I do now. I feel fat. My self image is worse.
I think that's the main problem. My body image that my doctor failed to remind me of. I still see that size 20 girl looking back at me.
I've gone from a size 0 to a size 6. Not happy. I refuse to weigh more than I do now. I feel fat. My self image is worse.
I think that's the main problem. My body image that my doctor failed to remind me of. I still see that size 20 girl looking back at me.