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Topic: RE: too slow
I had my surgery on the same day and have lost 40lbs. It's very slow going but you should measure yourself. I have lost about 60" total and that always makes me feel better to get out the tape measure! Just think how good you feel!! It'll day at a time! I get frustrated too because I want it to be gone NOW!! But I have been overweight all my life so it's not going to happen that fast for me. I am thankful I had the surgery and have had no problems. I can gulp water and tolerate all kinds of protein. I can eat 3 -4 oz per meal, no snacks. I don't eat carbs as my program says protein only. I would rather just not eat, I don't get hungry. So I just take it as it comes...Good luck and don't get discouraged! Email me anytime at [email protected].
Topic: RE: Stress
If the stress is really affecting you, talk to your doctor about trying Paxil. It can help.
I cannot eat at all when I am stressed or upset either.
Topic: RE: I got an email the other day that made me laugh...
I love it!
For New Years this year I resolved to lose weight. My spouse said, "Honey, you've had WLS, you know you're gonna lose weight." I told her, "Sure, but I've made this same resolution every year and I am not gonna NOT make the resolution this year just because I know I can keep it finally!"
She didn't get my logic, but that happens a lot.
Topic: RE: I'm really worried - my appetite is going wild
Thanks Stacy, I'll take you suggestions to heart. Thanks for the support.

Topic: RE: I'm really worried - my appetite is going wild
I understand. I have days where I'm starving; then there are days where I can't eat a thing. My doc says.... water; make sure you drink your 64 ounces of water each day. Protien; most of the meal needs to be protein. (think someone else also said) protein makes you feel fuller; and carbs make you hungry sooner. I found some good receipes on I also have started my day with a protien drink from GNC; their ISOpure is good. Also I got a bunch of sample protein drinks from; the banana creme is wonderful. I joined the gym at work; and got a trainer to help me out on what to do. I have to keep reminding myself the surgery is just a way to help you lose weight. What we do to make that tool work is where the results come in. Sometimes I snack; and have found that cashews; or almonds; work great. about 12 nuts and I'm satisfied. My doc provides a manual for the surgery with a list of food that we should eat. Also I got a little sign on my computer that says " it's my body; I'm in control; and I will take care of it."
talk to you soon.
mark g.
Topic: RE: 9 weeks post op......can eat alot more...a little worried
Hi Cindy - No problem, like I said, I felt the same exact way that you do a few weeks ago. My surgery was on 11/3/03 - so it's been almost 3 months - (9weeks) I'm tellin ya, as soon as you start moving, the loss will pick up again. I've lost 57 pounds so far - sometimes the scale doesn't budge for a few days - or even goes up a pound or two, but thats right before my period i noticed - so I decided I don't weigh myself starting with 1 week before my period. The scale really dictates my mood if i let it- isn't that terrible!! :0) Anyway feel free to email me directly, [email protected]. I'd love to hear how you're doing with Curves. It is a great place. They seem to be popping up all over the place.
Take care,
Sheri Byrne
Topic: RE: 9 weeks post op......can eat alot more...a little worried
Thank you for e-mailing me back. I eat about as much as you, except
i do eat some carbs. Probibly 2 servings a day. I am going to join curves(an all womens gym) I do realize that you do have to move, and i know ive been not doing enough.
thank you for e-mail ing me. how much weight have you lost? In how long?
Cyndi Sinagra
Topic: RE: only obese
I got the same news today at my 3 month post op check up! Ahhh to just be obese and not morbidly obese! Never thought it would take so little to make me happy. Think about how excited we will be to just be overweight!!
Topic: Stress
I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Lately I have been under A LOT of personal stress and it is really affecting me. For over a week now I have not been able to put anything other than water & crackers in my stomach w/out getting sick. I know that it is because of my nerves but nothing seems to help. I know that I have to start getting something to stay down - I know how important that is but it's just not happening right now. It has gotten so bad that I barely had the strength to walk up 1/2 flight of stairs tonight on my way to a meeting. I'm really getting concerned - I have had no problems w/my WLS thus far and really don't want any setbacks. Any advice would be appreciated.