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Topic: RE: So hungry for fruit and Veggies
I went thru a salad craving phase a few weeks ago. Nothing would satisfy me but salad! The thing is, the salad that I can eat is so tiny, that it probably didn't matter. I ate salad 3 times a day and got over the craving. Now I'm fine.
The next week I was craving vegetable soup. No it couldn't have been jsut a little can, nope. I had to make homemade veggie soup. Well, what the heck, I couldn't eat that huge pot before surgery, what made me think of making the huge pot now??? I threw away a lot of veg. soup yesterday.
I'm thinking that maybe your body is trying to tell you it's missing some nutrient. Satisfy it!
Take care, Kristen
Topic: RE: Did he not do enough??
YES!! I feel like a new person! And I am SO happy all the time! This has been wonderful. My self confidence is thru the roof these days with all the compliments. Not to mention, guys actually look at me now! WOO HOO!!
Topic: RE: hair loss talk with my doc
I'm actually thinking about cutting my hair short. I had it short for a long time and have been growing it out for a year or so and it's finally getting some lenghth. But it looks like I'm losing so much hair! I think with a shorter cut, there will be shorter peices falling out and it will LOOK like less!! Does that make any sense??
Take care, KM
Topic: So hungry for fruit and Veggies
Well i was three months out on the 20th. I eat several meals a day at least try the 6 at 4 to 6 ounces. Lately i have been craving and eating
fruit for at least one of the meals and salad or vegetables for one of the other meals. I continue to lose the weight. I do try to get in at least three sources of protein a day. My stomach tells me its hungry every two and a half hours like its an alarm clock. I also sip my water all day long except half hour before and after meals.

Topic: RE: hair loss talk with my doc
Well, I will be heading to the store tomorrow to get some Vitamin E! My hair loss is pretty bad...I can only imagine what I am going to look like in a couple of months.
A lot of people think I have thick hair.
.it's because I have short hair (trendy kinda style)...and I use a volumizing moose (paul mitchel) and then super freeze and shine hair spray by paul mitchel. It just adds a little volume..where people seem to think I have thick hair..which is not true at all.
Thanks for the tip Kristen!

Topic: RE: Did he not do enough??
Hey Kristen, thanks so much for the encouragment! Maybe it will help with the skin..who knows. I still think I will need PS, but it's the least of my concerns at this time! How are you guys doing? Isn't it amazing how life changes in almost 4 months?
Topic: RE: Did he not do enough??
It sounds like you're doing great! If he was conservative, and the weight comes off slower than most, hopefully that will help with the sagging skin issue and give it time to bounce back. But I think you are losing weight right on track.
Glad to hear from you, I was just thinking about you this morning.
Take care, Kristen
Topic: hair loss talk with my doc
Today I had a check up with my PCP. He is the one who did my pre-op testing. I decided to switch to him as my PCP, since my old one was against surgery (says "you'll due from that surgery!!!).
I also thought this new guy would be good for my post op care, becasue he knows a lot about it, knows my surgeon well, and his office is next door to my surgeons office.
OK I told him I bought rogaine for women today. He says NO, just take vitamin E, 2 pills a day. He says that the vit. E is what's missing and making the hair fall out.
YOU BET!! I got the vitamin E for $3 for a one month supply. The rogaine was $25 for a one month supply. Now I'm hoping I can take that rogaine back. (I haven't opened it yet)
I realize that many doctors will have different opinons on this topic. But I'm just hoping this cheap solution will help.
Also, I've been using the new shampoo and conditioner by pantene that says it's for thinning hair. WIll make your hair 30% thicker....
Then a women at a support group told me that her hairdresser told her to try Kera-phyx by Nexxus. It has worked well for her and her hair proves it. But this could be jsut HER. What the hay, I bought that tonight. Christ, that beats the vit e pills and the rogaine combined, at $36 a bottle!!!! HOLY CRAP! But you know, I really don't care. I just want to try anything to make this stop!!!!!
Just thought I'd let you guys know about the vit e thing. Wouldn't hurt to try and it's cheap. So all you new post ops, if it's OK with your surgeon/PCP start taking it now and see if it doesn't help you skip the whole hair loss thing all together! It's worth a try!
Take care, Kristen
Topic: RE: OT: Longaberger Baskets
They are very big especially in and near military bases, which makes me laugh in a way, knowing many military familys who claim poverty all the time yet collect these baskets. In my opinion they are way too expensive, and lacking in the style, unless your decor is country. You can easily find baskets of the same quality virtually at any craft store now a days for a fraction of the price if baskets are what you like. This is my opinion, and I wish you luck in your new job, you have the potential of making money. Please don't take offense to my response, I am just answering your question.
Topic: RE: Did he not do enough??
Thanks Diane, that makes me feel better. I guess each surgeon really is different. I guess I would much rather take the 61 lbs so far then be back at 268 lbs. I guess this is going to be harder then I thought...Does that make sense?
Anyway, thank you...I appreciate your support. As for 100 lbs at 6 months, I would LOVE that goal for myself..but I am thinking at 7 1/2 months will be more realistic for me...considering in the last 6 weeks I have only lost 10 lbs. Heck 168 lbs at 7 or 8 months out would be a dream come true...I haven't never been that thin as an adult...ever!