Lets Add It All Up
4749 + my 103 = 4852
I started at 305 lbs. Had my surgery 11/12/2003 and am currently at 202 lbs. My nine month check-up is Wednesday and I AM going to be under 200. I have gone from a tight 28 to a comfortable 14/16.
It's so amazing to see these figures (pun intended) add up.
Congratulations, everyone!

Hi Dawn,
It'll be 9 months for me this Friday (the 13th!!!). I've only lost 85lbs, so far. I know "ONLY", am i crazy, LOL. I've gone from a size 26 down to a 14/16. But my mind still thinks I'm a size 26. I'm getting there though.
I just feel soooo large still.
Anyway, Congrats to you. And all my fellow weight pals too!!!
Keep up the awesome work everyone.