HELP! How to break a 2 month plateau?
Sorry - I know this is a little late, but I don't get a chance to get to this board very often and I wanted to post some advice that helped me a lot. I was told, by (of all people) a nutritionist, when I consulted her about plateaus - that I have to stop playing the 'victim' role when it comes to my weight loss and healthy lifestyle efforts. She said that even though we have been given a wonderful tool to aid in the process, losing weight and maintaining it will ALWAYS take effort. If you're exercising at a level that you've become comfortable with, you must push a little harder. Our bodies seak to level-out with every routine we begin and if each week you add additional weight/resistance to your weight training or additional minutes to your cardio or just something that makes your body work a little harder, it will respond in the right way. If you find yourself saying, "Yeah but" I did this or "Yeah but" I already do that, it's a trap and you shouldn't let yourself get sucked into it. If it were easy, we would have lost this weight long ago, right?! LOL - Anyway - this lady tookt the 'Dr. Phil' approach to revamping my attitude and it worked well, I broke my plateau and I look forward every day to challenging my body with something different. Good luck!