Well like the title says I went to The Beach Water park on Sunday. In short I had a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!
I told my daughter last year that if I had surgery and lost weight that I would go off The CLIFF!!!!!
Well yesterday was the day. After doing the cliff all the other rides were so easy. My knees and legs still got tired walking up all those steps, but I was not huffing, puffing and felt like I was dieing once I got to the top.
NOW I can never tell the kids how much fun I had or they will want me to ride everything ALL the time. And going to the beach is also my quite time.
On the BODY IMAGE side. I can't beleive that some of these people go in public in these swim suites. Don't they look in a mirror before they leave the dressing room??? I looked DAM GOOD compaired to some of these people.
Thanks for all the post and suggestions.
Robin W
i too am looking forward to the beach for the first time in years. i haven't even owned a bathing suit in over 10 years. i finally bought one the other day and i bought one which is black with a little skirt. (i have a lot of excess skin around the stomach area and it covers quite nicely!!) i can't wait to wear it and we are planning sunday's at the lake and the beach and instead of dreading the bathing suit thing i can't wait!!
Congrats to you on your day of fun!!
summer is going to be fun for once!!
Many of those people you are slamming may not realize what they look like in swim suit but some do and I say "GOOD FOR THEM!" Fat people have just as much right to get out there and have fun as anyone else.
When I went back to graduate school I was so fat that I could not sit in the little desks (with seat attached). Every time I went into a new classroom I had to move an attached chair from the side of the room and then turn a desk around so I had could take notes. But I was paying my tuition and I had just as much right as anyone else to be there!
It disturbs me to see fat prejudice even in the formerly morbidly obese. None of us ever wanted to be fat, or would be if we had a choice. Give fat people a break.
317/207 and wearing shorts now--don't look if it bothers you!