How many have done a cottage cheese test?
I did it
I took the cottage cheese test. Like a idot I cannot tell if I was full
or I could not take the taste. It felt really heavy.
So did I do it correctly? I measured I ate about 1 3/4 ounces.
If that is how big my pouch is first off in the morning, then hows come I can eat 2 ounces of turkey breast, one ounce of cheese and maybe 1 slice of bacon? I do not do it all the time but I can? I can eat 2 ounces of cereal with an ounce of bannana. I just do not get it!!!
I thought I would have stretched it out. Especially when I had my dialation and they told me it was over 4 1/2 inches long????
I can drink 8ounces in 15 min. I think I liked it when I could hardly drink and I never felt hungry.
What do you think?
Anyone else do the test?

Haven't done that...
but can drink about 20 oz in 30 minutes without problems.
I've also noticed that the hungry feeling goes away after a few bites, but I can still eat much more than that. So I've been trying to stop eating as soon as the feeling of hunger goes away, which is like only 2 oz. Otherwise I'm eating around 4 oz a meal.
Seems like a lot to me.
Four ounces seems like alot when we look at it. But, I again am like you. I stop at about two otherwise, I end up eating the whole 4 or whatever. I felt I was overeating. I told the nutritionist and she said just cut back to about 2 1/2 ounces and through in 1/4 cup of nuts one or two times along with the meals. I am getting my protein in just not satisfying my hunger sometimes. 20 ounces in a half hour is really good. I only can get my sf nestle quick down that quick or my chocolate carb countdown. Water takes forever. Your doing good on your weightloss by the way!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!