How does our body know to stop???
I think the best thing i ever did is to have this surgery. i have gone from a 26-28 to clothes that are anywhere from a 6 to a 9 and down to a 28" waist in jeans to a size medium or large tops from xxl and 7 medium from 7 1/2 wide shoes. i went from 262.5 to 145.5 in just over 6 months. that is great and i am so proud of myself for that. my question is this though, how does our body know to stop losing weight??
they tell me that i should weigh between 130 and 140 and this website figures i will stop around 138, well that's supposed to take like a year and a half and i am already almost at goal. how does our body know to slow down and stop at 138 or even 130?? i can't eat over 4 oz in a meal total no matter how hard i try and the doctor's checked out my pouch and everything when they were in there 2 weeks ago for the emergency surgery i posted about with the twisted bowel and internal hernia, and they said everything looked great and that my pouched wasn't stretched out at all and they were really proud of me. so even though i am so happy to be where i am, a little voice in the back of my head is starting to whisper, "hey what if you don't stop??"
"people are asking me when i am going to stop and i tell them 130 or so and they say i am good now not to get any thinner and i tell them my body will stop when it gets to that point because that's what the doctors tell me, but i am a worry wort and does anybody have any thoughts on this because i just lost the weight so fast and i am happy but nervous a little too!!

I was told that when you get to your goal weight, that you are supposed to eat more carbs and increase you caloric intake.
When you eat carbs then you get hungry quicker and can eat more. Also you may try eating higher calorie foods like peanut butter or red meats.
Your body will get to a weight where it can be sustained by our calorie intake and then it will stop.
I can only eat four ounces at a time too, maybe not even that much.
How many calories are you eating each day? You should be eating about 1000 calories by now, but if not then don't worry, I cannot eat that much either.
I read on about pouch rules. it states that the new pouch will actually begin to grow to support the bodies needs. Here is the paragraph
" For ten years, I had patients eat until full with cottage cheese every three months, and report the amount of cottage cheese they were able to eat before feeling full. This gave me an idea of the size of their pouch at three month intervals. I found there was a regular growth in the amount of intake of every single pouch. The average date the pouch stopped growing was two years. After the second year, all pouches stopped growing. Most pouches ended at 6 oz., with some as large at 9-10 ozs."
We all know this is a tool to help us; and that we need to watch what we eat; and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies are smart little factories and they know when we need to eat more; eat less; eat something special.
I too have people telling me I need to gain weight; in fact one person said I'm beginning to "look like a gutted snow-bird".
After being overweight for so long I'm sure I look really thin; but I like it.
So my ramblings here. hang in there; your doing great; your body will tell you what you need.
mark g