Should I cheat?????
Okay, here is the situation. I wanted to and would still love to be
down 100 pounds when I go for my 6-month post-op visit on Friday.
Today at my official weigh-in for the month at Curves I was down 97
pounds (and 65 inches). I am not likely to lose the last three
pounds in the next three days, unless.....I could take a diuretic
(water pill) on Thursday and Friday mornings and temporarily lose
some water weight to get me to that goal. I have access to the
pills, that is no problem. Using them for two days will make me pee
a lot but won't endanger my health in any way. Should I do it? Or
should I just settle for being 97-98 pounds down for the big check-
Carolyn Moore
DS 11/03/03
Does it really matter that much??? 97-98 lbs is the same as 100 lbs in the whole scheme of things. I remember I used to do this before weigh****chers meetings along with fasting, etc. then I would go back to old habits, and before the next meeting do the same thing again. It is hard to get off that roller coaster. Congratulations on your weight loss. You are doing great!!! Good luck in whatever you decide to do
Laura -67

Thanks for your support, Laura. Someone on another board told me that the docs don't care what # of pounds we have lost, but rather that at 6 months they want us to have lost 50% of our excess pounds. That is pre-op weight minus ideal weight (the weight that would give you a BMI of 23) to get excess pounds, then divide actual weight loss by excessive pounds at the beginning to get your percentage. Figuring it that way:
317 pre-op pounds minus ideal weight of 135 = 182, then actual weight loss of 97 divided by 182 = 0.534, or 53.4%. Guess I am doing okay.
Looks like you are, too--assuming that you are my height, you have lost 63.5% of your excess weight. Good job.
Carolyn Moore
DS 11/03/03
317 pre-op/220 current/150 goal