How long was your plateau??
I just got off a plateau and i was just wondering how long my fellow november buddies went of their plateau's??
it took almost 2 weeks to start losing again and i thought i was going to go out of my mind!!
i had been doing great up to the 100 lbs lost mark then bam nothing but i just stepped on the scale this morning and am finally down 2 more lbs. to a total of 102 lbs lost !!
i increased my protein and liquid and i work out 4 times a week at curves , seemed to help. also, my hair loss is slowing down finally, i thought i was going to go bald there for a while.
anyhoo, just thought i would throw this one out there, let me know any secrets you might have to have it not last so long next time.
Mine lasted for almost a month. I thought I was going to pull out what little hair I have left (J.K.). Over the last few days I have dropped another 6 lbs. without doing a darn thing different. I need to increase my water and exercise and hopefully I can reach my goal of 115 lbs. lost by 4/29/04. I only need to lose 6 more lbs. to get there.