Death in the family can drive anyone insane, not to mention put the pounds, cause all I have done is eat this last week, just uncontrollable eating.
But I am starting to get back on track, LORD willing!
I did make it to the Discovery Body Challenge Weigh out on the 4/3/04. I started this partic. journey on January 10th weighing 243 and ending at 202, weight loss of 41 pounds.
I went this mid-morning to get my B-12 shot and weigh in......199.1. I could not be more pleased, I couldn't stop smiling, seeing as I have not smiled in over a week. I made my first real goal, I am finally under 200 pounds.
Way to go girlfriend! I thought that last 3 lbs before 200 would never leave my fancy fanny!!!!! And I am celebrating too because this only just happened to me yesterday.
the good news is that it renewed my interest in not blowing off the gym. I sometimes make excuses not to go, when I know that it is really important to tighten and tone that skin as I am losing weight. The doc said it will help with lessening the need for extensive plastic surgery when I get done. Already, the arms are doing good. I do *not* want the batwings and neither do I want to have surgery to *fix* them. We shall see what happens!