same weight for a month!
not sure if this works or not. I read about it on the South Beach Diet Plan. They recommend changing what foods we eat. sounds to simple to be true; but guess it may work. I'm still dropping; not as fast as I used to. Has anyone else tried changing foods and seen results? I guess upping the protein would be another way to do it also.
mark g.
hello! its oddly comforting to hear that people are losing as slow as i am, i know its not encouraging to say that, but to see peopel that are in your same situation lets u know that u are nto alone.
i had my surgery on november 4th and i have gone from 262.5 to about 205-206
man that under 200 mark is really taunting me. my doc said that his goal for me is 150, my personal is 130(i am 5'6"). i laugh when i say my personal goal weight cause i dont think that i will even make it to 150. but hey, i can dream, right?
i really do let the slow loss get to me a lotmore than i should, but hey, i remind myself that i had lost 55 or so pounds that wont ever come back. and i am still doing just over 10lbs a month, and if i can hopefully keep up that pace, i am not doing too bad
Hi Lisa,
I had surgery the same day as you and I too am down 65lbs. I keep reading about how others up their calories to a minimum of 1200 and to change the kinds of food around and that seems to help. I am going to try it but I do have trouble getting over 1000 calories a day.
Good luck and please email me if you find anything else that works.
Wow - I should have come back to this board sooner. I haven't lost anything in a while and quite frankly, I've been embarassed, so I didn't feel I had anything to add to the message boards, but I can really see I'm not alone. I'm going to take some of this advice here and try upping my protien - and also my water intake. I have also heard, (as someone else mentioned here) that it's good to break up your routine a little bit. maybe exercise in the morning if you normally do it at night and eat at different times, also change the foods you're eating every day. You know mix it up a bit. I've also been reading about adding lemon to the water and diluted cranberry juice. helps filter out the gunk in the liver - I'm going to try that too. I'll check back in a week and see how everyone is doing. Keep up the great work Lisa - you're doing great!!
Hiya Lisa! I had my surgery on the same day as you and am down 75 pounds so far. I spent an entire month stuck at the same weight also then finally dropped another 5 this past week. The only advice I can offer is to hang in there and let it happen as it happens. Good luck and keep up the great job.