Has everyone started losing their hair?
Yes, and it's horrible. It started falling out at about 2 1/2 months and with in the last few weeks it has gotten really bad. I am taking that Hair Vitamin from GNC (can't think of the name)...I hope it helps. People say they can't tell, but I can. It's very fine...and if it keeps up, I will be looking bald....I just wi**** would stop!
Maybe I should have asked who hasn't starting to lose the hair!!!
So far it hasn't happened to me, which is kinda good because my hair is so thin anyway. But I know it is going to. This may sound silly but I wi**** would just start so I can get it over with! Everytime I wash or brush my hair I find myself looking for excess hair. It's ridiculous! Hope everyone has a great weekend.

wow, I haven't been on in awhile and was wondering was others who had surgery in Nov going through the hair loss process like I am.. Im loosing hair like crazy and Im really nervous about it. I heard that I would loose hair and that it was like a tade off to having the surgery, but to see balls of hair in my hand and strands falling continiously is something different for me.. How long does this last? Anybody let me know. Im struggling over here..lollll
Ok, I have to be the oddball of the group. I think I was so stressed before surgery that I lost lots of hair. However, I've noticed that it's greatly slowed down after surgery. My surgery was in August of 2003, and at this time it's coming out just as it normally would.
I was truly scared because my hair is thin and fine to begin with, so this has been a true blessing to me.
Keep in mind that the average person loses at least 100 hairs per day anyway; it's a continual cycle. It may be just that the more we stress about it, the more noticeable it becomes.
Don't worry, though...No one has gone completely bald!
Take care, everybody!
lap rny 08/19/03, -102 lbs!!!
My hair is falling out something terrible and started at about 3 months post op. i knew going into this that it was possible but thought I wouldnt have to worry about it because i have/had plenty to spare. At this rate I hope I dont need a wig soon
I have head that at some point (someone said around 7 months post op) that it stops. I dread washing my hair even because i know that I will loose even more hair (always a big clump in the sink stopping the drain up). Also, the other day I was vaccuuming and smoke started coming from the vaccuum cleaner and I turned it over and it was stopped up with MY HAIR... OMG!!