Started a new job..and exercise has gone out the door!
Well, I started a new job on Monday.
It has been a very stressful week and I have been exhuasted everyday when I get home.
I am sure it doesn't help that I work 6:30 am - 3 I am up at 5. Anyway, I was lucky in that I have had the last 4 months off of work. My husband is in the military and we moved in December/January, so I just was able to find a job. Anyway, the past month or so, I have been trying to work out at least 4 times a week...either power walking or going to the gym. Well, this week I didn't work out at all. I am lucky I stayed awake.
How do you all do it? Do you think it's just the stress? Will working out more help with the energy? The energy has been good till this week, and I honestly wasn't sleeping more then 8 hours a night even while I was off of work. I just don't want to fall into this pattern of coming home and "dying" everyday. I live in San Diego for crying out loud where the weather is fantastic! (that's the only thing nice I have to say about this place). Anyway..I guess I am just rambling...wanted to hear how everyone else is doing it.
Also, one more question. any of you eat it? I get such mixed reviews on this item. It has protien, but a lot of sugar. Good snack...or not? Is there benefits to eating some...or more negatives?
Anyway, thanks all for your continous help!

as for the exercise part of your post. i don't have alot of time to work out either. but that is why i joined curves. i work 6:30 to 3:30 and i get home around 4, change and get to the gym for 4:30. it usually takes 30 to 40 minutes for the workout and i am home in time to fix supper and all the other stuff i have to do every night. i do that 4 times a week and i have quite alot of energy. by the end of the week i am tired don't get me wrong, i work in a factory so i do manual labor all week long plus the gym and everyday stuff but i feel good knowing i take that time for me 4 days a week. that is my time that i do not let anyone or anything come before. you just have to make that a priority and you will find that you can work everything else around it and if you have a curves out there it is only 30 to 40 minutes so you won't be at a gym for hours every night.
good luck and have fun!!

For the yogurt part of your post.... Dannon Light and Fit has less then ten grams of sugar in each container of the four-paks and the Dannon Carb Control only has 4 grams. The Light and Fit tastes a lot better then the Carb Control but I eat them both. I also drink half a Dannon Light and Fit liquid yogurt now and then for a special treat but only 1/2 because the entire bottle has 12 grams of sugar. I don't know if I dump on sugar but don't want to find out so I try not to have anything with ten grams of sugar or more.