So hungry for fruit and Veggies
Well i was three months out on the 20th. I eat several meals a day at least try the 6 at 4 to 6 ounces. Lately i have been craving and eating
fruit for at least one of the meals and salad or vegetables for one of the other meals. I continue to lose the weight. I do try to get in at least three sources of protein a day. My stomach tells me its hungry every two and a half hours like its an alarm clock. I also sip my water all day long except half hour before and after meals.

I went thru a salad craving phase a few weeks ago. Nothing would satisfy me but salad! The thing is, the salad that I can eat is so tiny, that it probably didn't matter. I ate salad 3 times a day and got over the craving. Now I'm fine.
The next week I was craving vegetable soup. No it couldn't have been jsut a little can, nope. I had to make homemade veggie soup. Well, what the heck, I couldn't eat that huge pot before surgery, what made me think of making the huge pot now??? I threw away a lot of veg. soup yesterday.
I'm thinking that maybe your body is trying to tell you it's missing some nutrient. Satisfy it!
Take care, Kristen