Nectar Protien Powder
I have heard this mentioned alot on the main message board. It sounds like such a great tasting way to get 23g of protien that I went on yahoo shopping looking for the most inexpensive site. The least I found it for was $22.95 with a $5.95 flat rate shipping charge and tax in Pennsylvania. The website is if anyone else is interested. If anyone has found it cheaper elsewhere, please let me know.
I bought samples of each flavor from texas weight loss supply ( i think it's they were $5 for 5 samples. I am not to crazy about nectar but everyone else seems to love the stuff. The drink I use is Isopure from GNC. I buy the 'clear liquid' type drinks in 20 oz bottles ($3.50 each). My 2 favorite flavors are blue raspberry and orange. They also sell powder to make shakes.
hope you find one you like,Take care, Kristen
I have a jug of the apple nectar that is only missing one serving. Just my opinion, but the stuff is FOUL. My husband with the cast iron stomach wouldn't even drink it.
If you want it I'll send it to ya for the cost of shipping.
Just the thought of the stuff makes me want to gag. Of course your milage may vary