34 hours to go
Well, this is it. I'm very nervous, and not sure I can go through with it. I was scheduled back in July, but I got into the pre-op holding area, they started my IV, and I freaked! On the way home, I was just kicking myself. I have seen the psychiatrist, my therapist, myPCP (who gave me a RX for xanax!). I feel like I'm ready. I'm just afraid of a repeat performance. I have an underlying anxiety disorder, for which I take Zoloft. I just hope it doesn't get the better of me again. Prayers please!!
Denys...you will naturally have some anxiety...which I think is a healthy attribute. This is afterall, major surgery with the possibility of major complications. But obesity has risks and hazards as well. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, Denys, for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Take care...
I surely can understand you being nervous. Just think about being on the other side and all the perks that will come with it. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for peace for your heart and the strength and courage to get through this. I hope that the surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
~Always, Tiffany

Don't be nervous hun. You know in your heart that you are ready for this. We will all keep you in our prayers tonight and tomorrow. You will come through this with flying colors!! If I was there I would give you a hug and let you know everything is going to be ok. Since I can't be there with you consider this a long distance hug from Minnesota. Be sure to keep in touch! I will be thinking about you and praying for you tonight.
God Bless!
Your Friend,