I'm Home...
I had my surgery the 13th. All went well and was uneventful. I don't like the idea of hospitals at all and the said when the pain was under control and I could do all that they needed me to do I could go home. So the next afternoon I got to go home. I was very uncomfortable the first night and thought, wth did I do to myself. I couldn't get comfortable or anything, I was so frustrated. And I couldn't even get on the computer. My room is upstairs and the computer id downstairs. I can say that I am now doing so much better. Everyone was right, those first few days are hard. But if I can get through them anyone can. I know it took me a while to post, but I am here now.
Good luck to all the upcoming surgeries. I am so glad to be on the other side! I was just curious about the things that you all ate (or drank) after your surgery and how much. I know it varies, I just don't think I am getting enough of anything in, and what I do I have to force. TIA for any info or comments.

Hello Tiffany, and congrats on your surgery, glad everything went so well. It gets easier soon, I was back to normal functioning by the 3rd-4th post-op day. The food part is really hard. I did liquids for the first 3-4 days, and advanced to yogurt, and even nibbled on a little piece of string cheese, chewed very well. I am almost 2 weeks post- op and I am eating basically the same stuff. I know it is boring...but well worth it. I like to drink water, sometimes with a little piece of lemon in it, grape juice in the morning, chicken broth is good because it is salty, sugar free jello, yogurt, string cheese, oh, and I did start to eat a little bit of scrambled egg in the morning with cheese on it. Protein is the best though. It will give you the energy you need, and help prevent hair loss down the road (which only happens 1 of 3 people). Just not too much protein, or it will alter the weight loss. I hope this helps you. Good luck, and stay positive.......Kathryn
Welcome home and glad to see you on the Losing Side! I will tell you this whole food thing is hard! I did jello, and broth, and no sugar added apple sauce for the first week. I then moved on to cream soups that I put through the blender. Pretty much blending anything I can. I think I am going to do this for one more week and start some more "solid" stuff. I have tried some "chuncky" soups, and I have added just a bit of water and put it through the blender. I find that I fill up on the 1/2 cup portions where I wasn't feeling full before. I don't know if it's wrong, but it's like a cream soup when I am done with it!
Anyway, I wish you the best! Keep posting....we want to hear how you do!
Congratulations! You have made it to the other side!
My surgeon has all of his patients on a clear liquid diet until they go back for the 1 week visit. After that I could move onto the soft/mushy foods like yogurt, mashed potatos & gravy, soups, sf pudding, scrambled eggs with cheese & refried beans with salsa & cheese on them.
I was very tired of the clear liquid diet & was very happy to move onto the soft foods.
I am on the soft foods until Dec 4th, which will be my 1 month appointment.
I have a hard time getting in all of my water. I am just not thirsty, or i am thirsty when I am eating, but am not allowed to drink then. it is a little frustrating!
Good luck with your recovery!
Thanks everyone. I know this liquid thing can get so frustrtating. I have no urge to drink anything, I am really having to force myself. My doctor says just liquids for 2 weeks and then we can add cream soups and yogurt and stay on that for another 2. So I can't have any solids until Decmeber 13! 4 weeks after sugery..ugghh. They did labs yesterday and said I wasn't getting enough of liquids and on to of that I have a UTI. I know that means more meds. I am already on Diflucan liquid and nystatin for thrush. But I hope to get through this soon. No wonder I don't feel I have any room to drink anything. Thanks for all the support and all the good ideas.