Hot Tub Okay??
I'm not sure if you had an open RNY, or laparascopic, but I would not recommend a hot tub this early....if you were to get some kind of infection it could be bad. I think it is too early, wait till your incision(s) heal and are closed good, then I would double check with your doctor.......Although a hot tub does sound wonderful..
Good luck! Kathryn

anne S.
on 11/24/03 12:55 am - charlotte, vt
on 11/24/03 12:55 am - charlotte, vt
I am 19 days post op (rny). I have been having baths since I came home from hospital no problem.I find them more soothing than standing in the shower but I was careful to keep my incision above the water line until the staples were removed. I would stick to regular baths for now though. The hot tub can wait another month or so.
Good Luck,