23 hours and 40 minutes, and counting.
I am getting ready.....soooo excited. I think I am more worried about my husband and family taking care of my triplets than I am about the surgery. I know they can do it, for sure...I guess it is because I am going to miss them, while I am in the hospital. Thank God for great husbands and family, otherwise I would have never been able to have this surgery.
Thank you for all the support I have been getting from everyone....it is so wonderful and so needed for me right now.
Just writing to say good luck, I 'm sure that all will go well at home while you're
away, and I'm sure you'll miss everyone, I know that I will when I go in for mine. I just keep thinking that it will be worth it once the weight comes off, cuz'
then I will be able to do alot more things with my kids that I can't do now.
anyway best of luck to you and God Bless.