One Week Left, 11/10
Boy, talk about conflicting emotions... I go from one extreme to the other... On one hand I want the surgery done YESTERDAY LOL... Then I think, hell, I've been overweight my whole life, why mess with it, maybe I should cancel... I think of my kids and if I'll be around to see them grow up, or if I'll be around but be 1/2 the size I am now!...
I really wish I knew someone from NJ that was going to the same hospital and same date as me... That'd make me feel a bit less alone... But then again, I guess I'll meet someone there
Thanks for letting me ramble... I'm sure with the countdown, I'll be doing it more and more LOL... cathy

I know the feelings your talking about! I go in this thursday the 6th. Although I cant not say I have not thought I should not have the surg but I sure have many many emotions. Today i had thanksgiving dinner for myfamily . Ithought about my mom all day and how she should be here for that and my surg. Its a long story but I understand.
God bless
I also only have one week left and the same emotions. I am the most worried about the surgery itself and the first week or two. I have to have open and I'm worried about the wound. I've had two children vaginally and some stitches but never a broken bone or any kind of surgery. And my daughter is 18 months and I'm home alone with her all day. My mom is coming to help with her but I'm afraid she'll hate me when I can't hold her or carry her. She's too young to understand why. I don't know but feel free to ramble to me!! It's nice to know I'm not alone!! ( But it's too bad... I'm in Illinois!!)