So darn happy!!!
Today I am feeling really happy about this whole thing! I am feeling relief that my day is almost here.
Before, I was feeling nothing. Not even a REAL feeling of excitement. Just waiting. Now I am so excited and HAPPY! I'm just 3 or 4 days away and prepared to start feeling nervous, but for now I feel happiness and relief in my heart!!
I can't wait!
Thank God for WLS and Thank God for this site!!
It is nice to be able to come on here and blab blab blab about WLS.
I could talk about it almsot all day!
Thanks everyone for being here!!!
Kristen I'm just so darn happy FOR you
And you're right, this place is a true Godsend. I've met so many fabulous folks on here (yourself included, of course), and the truth is, if it wasn't for this site, I wouldn't be having this surgery. It helps when you're friends and family are SICK TO DEATH of hearing you talk about WLS, to be able to come here and talk.
I'm so happy and excited for you
10 days six and a half hours and counting