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Topic: RE: Oct 27th surgery date is going to bring new hope and a future into my life!
I'm also having surgery the 27th. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!! how are your liquid diets going? Mine is going good! I got vanilla protine shake stuff from HMR (HMR800), and have a recepie for pumpkin pie protine shakes. I wish I could find more options with the vanilla, and wish I got some chocolate to have other options!! Good Luck!!
Topic: RE: OCT 28th RNY
Hi Christi,
I am having VGS on the 28th also. I am also getting nervous. Why don't you pray for me and I will Pray for you. Because baby by summer we will be DIVAS! LOL
I am having VGS on the 28th also. I am also getting nervous. Why don't you pray for me and I will Pray for you. Because baby by summer we will be DIVAS! LOL
HelloI'm new to this site, I have a date! Oct. 29th, 2010 for VGS. I am really scared. I have been obese for about 40 years (I am only 48). I was the heaviest Kid in third grade. I don't know the thin me, I have never met her before. I hope I don't get big headed with the weight loss. I am catching a lot of flack from my sister's about getting big headed when I loss weight. Pray for me all, Best wishes!
Topic: Realize band yesterday ANY SUGGESTIONS?????
Just got my band yesterday.... got home about 8pm.... thrown up twice.... PAIN AND DISCOMFORT...dont know how to get my protein and 48 oz or liquids down.... ANY SUGGESTIONS??????
Topic: RE: Oct 27th surgery date is going to bring new hope and a future into my life!
My date was for Nov 3rd and saw doc yesterday for pre-op and surgery was changed to October 27th

on 10/17/10 11:36 pm
on 10/17/10 11:36 pm
Adjustable Gastric Band on 07/23/07
Topic: RE: anyone having sleeve in october??
Good luck Kendra. I am am also having my VSG on 10/19/10. I'm looking forward to the new me......let me know how you are doing.
on 10/17/10 11:02 pm
on 10/17/10 11:02 pm
Adjustable Gastric Band on 07/23/07
Topic: Tomorrow is the day ;)
Tomorrow I get my VSG. I"m excited. So many Years I've been battleing with my weight. I'm looking forward to my procedure. I'm on my clear diet so I'm starving, but I know it will be worth it.

on 10/17/10 10:44 pm
on 10/17/10 10:44 pm
Adjustable Gastric Band on 07/23/07
Topic: RE: Tomorrow at 6 a.m.
Good Luck Penny. Tomorrow I will be having my VSG at 10:30am. I too am excited. However, I'm starving