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Topic: End of month#5 - what have you lost?
Although I've been discourage this month by the small amount I've lost, I keep looking for the positive in losing what I have. And I tell myself, no matter how little I've lost, once its gone, I ain't taking it back!!
So how'd everyone do this month?
Here's my stats:
Surgery date: 10/30
Surgery weight: 318
Current weight: 237
Height: 5' 11"
Total lost: 81lbs
Total lost for March: 6lbs

Topic: RE: 5 month pics
You look great. I cant wait until I get under 200lbs. I only have 11 to go. =)
Topic: RE: Is this you???
Not until you mentioned it..Lol just kidding. Not really. I still have 60lbs to go so I hope im not stopping any time soon. Its definatly gonna slow down for us but patients is key. I know I didnt gain all this weight in 6 months, SO I CANT EXPECT TO LOSE IT ALL.
Topic: RE: What have you lost?????
My surgery daye was on Oct,2007 Weight...245.9
Today 3/30/08....169.0
TOTAL LOST..76 lbs!
Although I was at a stand still for almost 6 weeks. My scale did not move! My hair loss is still falling, I hope it will slow down!!
Topic: Is this you???
So Oct friends we going into our 6 month... Is anyone scared (like me) that were done losing weight soon????
Topic: RE: 5 months post op
WTG Kristy!!! Congrats on your weight loss!!!
You are doing great!!!
I started out at 470lbs pre-op, 396lbs surgery, and 280lbs current.... That's a grand total of 190lbs lost!!!

Topic: RE: 5 months post op
Well, I am a much slower loser than alot it seems, but still moving along
I keep fighting that 250 to 249 mark grrr, started at 336, 321 at surgery. Not as much loss as some of you. Ah well
Congrats October Peeps!!

Topic: RE: 5 months post op
Congratulations!!! I just hit my 5 month date yesterday! Wow, you are doing SO terrific!!! You look amazing and so happy!