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Topic: RE: Got my date - 10-11-07
Good luck on your journey & congratulations on getting your date!! My surgeon doesn't have any special pre-surgery diets. What's the liver-shrinking diet you're doing?
Topic: RE: I GOT A DATE!!
Congratulations!!! I wish you the best on your journey - let us all know when you're back on the boards and how you're doing!
Topic: RE: I HAVE A DATE~~October 30th 2007
CONGRATULATIONS on getting your date! I know how excited you are - mine is October 26. Good luck on your journey and let everyone know how you're doing.
Topic: RE: October 15th! Anyone else?
Hi Amy,
I'll be in Baltimore MD at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. I feel like I'm not prepared yet. I am buying different kinds of protien shakes and trying to arrange care for my 8 month old. I won't be able to pick him up for 6 weeks . I'm getting open RNY.
Topic: RE: My date is Oct. 3rd.
My date is also the 3rd, if it doesn't get postponed due to an ear infection.
I think it a great date
Topic: RE: October 15th! Anyone else?
Hi Rebecca,
My surgery date is October 15th and I am so excited! I have my bags packed! I just wish I could go to sleep and wake up the morning of the 15th on my way to the hospital. I have been tasting lots of different protein drinks so that they aren't a shock to me after surgery and am going to try to puree some stuff and try as well beforehand. I will be having my surgery at Parkwest in Knoxville where will you be?
Topic: RE: THE NEW ME OCT 23, 07
Hi Kristy,
I am the first surgery of the day also on October 23rd. We have less that a month to go now. I am so excited.
I have to be at the hospital at 5:00 AM and I live about an hour and a half from the hospital. Although I bet it will take a lot less time that so early in the morning. My surgery is actually scheduled for 7:00 AM.
I am having a Roux en Y.
Lets keep in touch so we can keep tabs on how our surgeries go.
Topic: RE: October 15th! Anyone else?
My surgery is scheduled for October 12th!!!!! I am excited and at the same time freaked out!
Topic: October 15th! Anyone else?
I'm having surgery on Oct.15th. I can't think about anything else. My husband is getting annoyed because that's all I talk about. Who else has a date for the 15th?