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Topic: RE: Surgery Date
Cheryl.....just wanted to wish you an uneventful surgery. Hope all goes well. I am right behind you on 10/2. Prayers for us both.
Topic: Date Set 10/17/07
It took awhile for me to get the $ together but I now have a date for RNY at the Monroe Regional MC in Ocala. I'm driving from Jacksonville to get it done. Dr. Overcash was the only guy I found who would do the operation on someone my size (BMI 88) without a long weight loss pre-op regimen. If i could have lost the weight without help, I already would have.
Topic: RE: My date is Oct. 8th
We have the same date. I just found out today when I went to the doctor. I was ixpecting a date in October but not so soon. I finish my last class this coming Thurdsay. I wil have just 12 days of liquids instead of the 14 but the doctor wasn't concerned about that. I am looking forward to my new and greatly improved life.
Topic: My surgery date is set
I went to the surgeon this afternoon and he set my date for the 8th of October. I am glad that things are going fast. This way I don't have time to sit and wait, I don't do that well. I start my liquids tomorrow and will just have 12 days and not 14 of them. I am so excited I just want to shout from the rooftops.
Topic: RE: My date is booked
Congrats on your date being booked. My surgery is on monday Oct 1 and I am nevous but I guess more excited its finally here.
Topic: My date is booked
Iam starting to get very nervous, but I am so excited at the same time. I will be glad when it is done.
Topic: 11 years of trying, finally october 9th!!!!!
my dream has finally come true after 11 years of trying to have gastric bypass. I can't believe it!!! I am so excited, I cried when Dr. Sticklers office called me. When I started crying, the nurse said, "did I make your day" I told her "she made my LIFE". Never give up on something, the Lord new when it would be my time to have the surgery.