you losers!!

Rebekkah T.
on 10/20/07 3:39 pm - Yuba City, CA
just wanted to let all you losers know...I'M THINKING ABOUT YOU ALL For those of you who came accross to the other side..woooohoooo you did it..I promise it gets better..the first few weeks are HELL!! Those of you who are about to...i'm savin you a seat over here on the bench! If you have any questions..i'll try my best to just dont ask about protein lol i'm still having issues with that Good luck to you all
on 10/21/07 2:27 pm - ID
Thanks for your concern, Rebekkah. I had my RNY last Tuesday and I'm having some difficulties with's probably all the supplements I'm still trying to take for my fibromyalgia. I am also having low blood sugar problems and am having to eat(?) my broth and Jello every two to three hours. I'm wondering if this is normal. I will call the dr's office tomorrow to see. He will probably say stay off the supplements, but I am in so much pain if I don't take them. I'm also having problems wondering if life will ever be normal again. Will I ever be able to eat anything again? I am so sick and tired of Jello and chicken broth! I don't want to eat junk, but an egg or a sandwich sounds so good right now. Anyway, today has been a difficult day. My pain level with the fibro is up. I looked at my eating schedule to see what I can eat beginning Tuesday and discovered I won't be able to eat a soft boiled egg for another week...UGH! I went into this with my feet dragging, but I didn't think I had any other choice because I've dieted for 50 years. Of course, now I think I could have tried one more diet or hypnosis or something besides this! Sorry, I'm a little down this evening. Beyond this, I have already lost 9 lbs and I am healing well. Any insight from someone who has been here would be appreciated. Sandy
Rebekkah T.
on 10/21/07 2:45 pm - Yuba City, CA
Sandy- Sorry to hear you're down dont worry...I promise you..this horrible very miserable stage will pass. I remember saying when i was just a couple of weeks in the world could I have been so stupid. I said I regretted all of this. So much pain and I wanted REAL food. My husband was wonderful that he made food and I didn't do I didn't have to really smell it. I used to go in the room so I didn't have to watch them eat a real meal. I was allowed pureed food at 3weeks out. I have to say. I ended up cheating alittle bit. I just couldn't handle it. I hate the pureed at about 2 1/2 weeks out. I knew there were so many possiblities of bad reactions. But I handled it very well. I couldnt eat eggs then..and I still cant today. You're going to be very surprised at what you like and dont like anymore. Didn't think it would really make a difference. As far as the supplements. There is just no way possible to get everything in that early. My doc and others on here just told me to do what I could. I've tried and tried. Even at 10 mths out now..i still have a difficult time getting all my protein in. Others are great. I still stuggling. Just keep in mind..this stage is almost over and youre going to see more than those 9lbs drop!! It is so exciting to see. One week I lost 10lbs!! I was so excited!! Keep me posted. Please e-mail if you have any other questions. This is the worst of it..and you're almost through all of it..keep going honey Becky
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