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Topic: RE: Going To Live!
Thanks so much Holly!! Good luck at your appointment next week!!
Felicia =0)
Topic: RE: Going To Live!
Hi Felicia!!
Congrats on the good check up with your surgeon!! How awesome that they are using your information and referring people to you for help!!! Tooo cool!!
Question....what multivitamin are you using? I took a look at the back of mine and was disappointed in what was in there - or rather what WASN'T in it. So, now I'm looking for a different one. I can let the kids have this one after I get another.

Topic: RE: finally posted some wedding pics
Good to see you on the board again. Hope your back is feeling better. Love the pics. Thanks for sharing.
Don't be a stranger.
Topic: RE: Happy Birthday to Me
Congratulations, Theresa.
Happy Birthday and Happy Re-Birth Day!!!! What an amazing birhtday present you got. I'm jealous. All I got for my birthday was an iPod.
Congrats on how far you have come since this time last year. I'm so proud of you.
Topic: RE: Going To Live!
I am glad to read that you had a great appointment and a great trip.
You are truly an inspiration to all of here and I would be willing to bet that you are an inspiration to many others. It is nice to see how the clinic respects your hard work.
Take care
Topic: RE: One year ago today.....
YAY Holly!!!! Congratulations on how far you have come in the past year. You are NOT failing this time. This time is different!!! You are a success and I am proud of you!!!! Keep up the great work. You will reach your goal. Look how far we have come. Congrats on all of your milestones and WOW moments over the past year.
Topic: RE: One year ago today.....
So close to your goals, you WILL be there in a matter of no time.
Congrat's and have a great RE-BIRTHDAY