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Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
I've had similar dreams (not with chocolate) but where I've totally lost self control, and you're right...while the scenario may seem rediculous when you are awake, at the moment, in your sleep it is parylizingly terrifying.
I think we all are a little scared, deep down, that the demons of our past will come back to haunt us. We have a tool, a weapon of use to fight bac****ep up the battle...we WILL WIN!
Topic: RE: Making Strides...
What a great thing to be doing. I told my husband last week that I want to do the three day next year. I would love to walk to honor the memory of my moms best friend - we lost her to bc this past April, right before my wedding.
Maybe we should form and "October Babies" team next year...invite the rest of the gang to come join us in Philly for the walk!
Topic: RE: Put a Check by my last Goal!
Congrats on a big achievment! That is the goal of goals for sure! So proud of you!
Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
Yikes Lisa. That was quite a dream! Considering that my surgery has no dumping associated with it, I have also had to come face-to-face with the demon carbohydrate. I can relate to your dream. The season doesn't help - All the aisles in the grocery store are STACKED with candies that I used to love.
Topic: RE: One year ago
Happy surgiversary! What an accomplishment! I loved reading how WLS surgery has changed your life (as it has changed all of ours)! I am so happy for you.
Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
Hey Lisa!!
Well, while I haven't actually DREAMED that, it is one of my biggest fears as I don't dump on sugar. At least, I haven't dumped on the small amounts I've allowed myself to eat. I'm always watching the scale and am afraid that one of these days I'm going to over do.
Hope you are wide awake now and not worrying about it anymore.
Although, I do have to say, Felicia's depiction of the candy marching across your room did make me smile.
BTW, LOVE the pic!!!
Topic: RE: One year ago
Hey Gay!!!
Happy Surgiversary to you!!!! What a wonderful year it's been. Glad we got to share it!! Hope the coming year is as wonderful for you!
Topic: RE: One year ago
Happy Re-Birthday Gay!
I love how you mentioned about being a prisoner in your own body. I can really relate to that statement.
You have come so far....Weigh to Go!
Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
I agree with is kind of funny.....but I so understand what you are saying!! I can usually eat a piece or two....and usually I end up thinking that it didn't taste as good as I thought it would.....but every now and then it tastes pretty damn good.....but I haven't gotten to the point where I "over do" it!
Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
It is kind of funny *grin* (insert the mental image of a bag of Cadbury Miniatures stomping across your room with a ghostly voice saying "EAAAAAAAAAAAAAT MEEEEEEEEE") but I so feel you.
I thought "uh oh" when I found out that I don't dump on a bite or two of real sugar candy (I actually have a HUGE problem with SF it just kills me even the smallest bite of it) but really it wasn't all bad and I have yet to indulge on a whole bag lol. I would probably be sick on more then a couple though so I usually stick to 1 or 2 out of pure fear.
*Big huggles*
Felicia =0)