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Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
Thanks, Patricia. It really was terrifying, not even a little bit amusing to me!
Topic: RE: Nightmare!!!
Odd, but the candy bags in all the shops aren't getting to me so far. But I work for a British company and there are staff who frequently travel across the pond and ALWAYS bring back those bags of Cadbury chocs! I lived in Ireland for a few years and always ate those...and a week or so ago, passing by one of those bags, I could recall the taste Vividly!
Topic: RE: What will (or did) you do????
Sadly, I didn't do anything special. My anniversary was on a Thursday which is the same night as my support group meeting. I just went to my group. I didn't need anything special, just the thought in my head that it was my 1 year was ok with me. Now my birthday is another story. That is in a few days, and we will be going out to dinner and possibly something else, but not sure yet. We'll figure that out in few days.
Topic: RE: Put a Check by my last Goal!
Thanks so Much Tabby,
and I hope that you had a great Re-Birthday!
Topic: RE: What will (or did) you do????
Sounds so good. I might steal that idea. My re-birthday is October 19th.
I would love to hear what the others were up to.
Topic: What will (or did) you do????
I'm a late in the month October Baby (Oct. 25th) so my one year has not yet arrived.
It doesn't mean I haven't thought about what I will do to celebrate that day that changed my life forever.
As of right now I have set aside that Saturday (October 27th)...I am scheduling a massage and pedicure at a spa. I've never had a professional massage before and can't think of a better way to treat myself.
Got me to thinking..has anyone else done anything special?