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Topic: RE: PS Consult cancelled!
I am sorry they had to cancel. I had just read your other post 1st and am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I pray that all will go well with the situation and that no matter what she will receive the peace that she needs to be comfortable.
I am so jeleous with the plastics. I am really hoping that I can still visit that option after the baby comes. Only time will tell. I do not mind putting it off for this little guy though. If it is meant to be for me it will be.
If you need anything let me now. Have been in the whole cancer situation recently so I know where you are.
Big Hugs
Topic: PS Consult cancelled!
My PS office just called and said they are running an hour and a half behind schedule and wanted to know if I wanted to just wait it out or reschedule. Princess Raven returns to her mother for the week and I didn't want to miss saying goodbye to her, so I opted to reschedule it for Monday, November 12. Oh well.....hopefully I won't have to cancel again!
Topic: RE: Wow, what a year!
Hi Lauri,
Congrats on your surgi-anniversary!! It is a good feeling to try something on in a size we never dreamt we would be able to fit into!!
Topic: RE: Cards
Hi Aime!
I have my cards all over my living room, too!! I love every one of them!
Topic: RE: Thank you for the cards!
Hi Dawn,
the cards have been wonderful, haven't they? It is so great to have a wonderful group of people to share our experiences with!
Topic: PS Consult
Hi everyone,
I haven't posted much the last couple of days. My grandma is in the hospital and very sick. She was readmitted to the hospital last week with the MRSA infection that seems to be making its way around the US! She was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and the chemo treatment has pretty much taken her immune system down to nothing, she is not doing well mom came up from Harrisburg, so I know she isn't doing well.
I have my first PS Consult today at 3:30. Two hours from now. I am a nervous wreck! I don't remember feeling this nervous when I had my WLS!! Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I am thinking about you! I will post tomorrow and let you know how my appointment went!
Topic: RE: Wow, what a year!
WOW, Lauri!!! Congratulations on a great appt and on how far you have come in the past 12 mos. I'm so proud of you. Sounds like your exercise/diet plan is working great. You go ahead and be self indulgent and bask in the glory of the new you!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!!! Congrats again!!!
Topic: Thank you for the cards!
Thank you to all who have sent cards for my 1 year Surgi-versary!
I was trying to keep up with personal thank yous, but I have fallen behind and I want to be sure that you all know how wonderful it has been to get all the cards and how inspirational. I will have to put a before and after shot on my profile since I did not think of the idea when I sent mine out.
It has really been great having "sisters" like you all to share this journey with!
Thanks again!
Topic: Cards
Thank yo so mcuh for lal of my cards. I have them all over my living room and get to look at them every day. They have really been an inspiration from all of my October 2006 sisters!
Topic: RE: Wow, what a year!
It really is something to try on sizes you never dreamed of wearing!! Way to go girl!