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(deactivated member)
on 7/18/07 7:51 am - Baldwinsville, NY
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion Update
So glad to hear everything went ok. Glad to hear you didn't have to have the infusion, huge relief I am sure. As your fellow October sister, MAKE SURE TO TAKE YOUR IRON Just had to throw that in there Molly
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/07 7:47 am - Baldwinsville, NY
Topic: RE: Yearly PCP appointment..
It shouldn't matter what she thinks, it's up to the insurance to determine if you qualify. I would demand (after asking her nicely) that she record such information for your case. She is NOT the deciding factor when it comes to what you qualify for. Each person and each insurance company is different. That's my thoughts. And I work for a health insurance company Molly
on 7/18/07 6:29 am - Orange, CA
Topic: Yearly PCP appointment..
Hello everyone, Well I am sitting here trying not to cry. I went to see my PCP Doc today for my pap and all that good stuff.. she is amazed how I look and is just so proud of me. My health is excellent as far as she can see (we will wait for blood work to come back). That is all the good news!! and Good news for sure!! so happy about that.. Now the upsetting part. When I went to the OH convention I talked to a PS there. He said to make sure I tell my PCP everything I have had problems with when it comes to the hanging skin and stuff.. He said with documentation, we can get my insurance to pay for my PS. I have HMO so it will take alot of infomration. but it can work. So every time I get a rash, a bump.., if my back is hurting.. etc.. I call and get some cream to put on it etc.. just to build my case. When I saw her (my PCP), I once again told her about my problems I have been having. She didnt seem to write any of it down. So I told her, I am telling you all this so I can start me case for PS. She had me stand up. She told me that I do not qualify for PS. I am no where near anyone that would need it. She said I would need an apron of skin. ok, what is 3-4 inches of hanging skin?? Skin that hangs overmy pubic area?? I know that I am not as bad as some. but that doesnt mean that I shouldnt get it? right? Am I being selfish? Should I just be thankful I only have 4 inches that hang and sucked it up? I just think it isnt fair that she can decide that? In order to get a second opinion I would have to switch Doctors etc.. I have had her for 5 years. What do you guys think? Be honest with me. Let me know if I am just being a baby or whatever.. I am just heart broken.. Thanks for reading! Luvs and Hugs! Tiff
Susan T.
on 7/18/07 3:57 am - Waco, TX
Topic: RE: Deciding on your goal weight - your "stopping point"
Hi Teresa, I have this info ingrained in my brain from when I was working as a Health Benefits Advisor at the Naval Hospital here in CC. Prime benefits for retirees are the same as for AD. The main difference is that you have a co-pay. Now...go see your PCM and get your weight documented - and see him each month so it's in the chart and you can show it's been stable for the 3 months that most doctors want before they will do the surgery. And, go ahead and get the referral started. You don't want to wait till you've had 3 months of consistent wait as they can push you too close to your deadline. Once you get the referral, go see the surgeon who will do the procedure, they can let you know who you need to see about documenting your weight and how long it will be till they can do it. If you've got any other questions, just let me know. I'm always happy to help!! Susan
on 7/18/07 3:52 am - Rock City, IL
Topic: RE: Long time no post...
Dear Tiffany: Glad to hear you had a great time at your reunion. Yes, we all seem to be very busy with LIFE these days! You will hit the century mark any time now!! Good for you! Dawn
on 7/17/07 11:39 pm - Rock City, IL
Topic: Iron Infusion Update
It turns out that I did NOT have an iron infusion on Monday. I drove all the way to Madison, WI with my aunt and uncle (to drive me back if need be.....). I had my movies to watch and my cooler packed. The first stop is the lab where they checked my blood levels. There was a slight improvement from 2 weeks ago, and he thought that we should wait. Although my surgeon's nutritionist said that oral supplements would be a waste of time and money, this doctor (Hematologist/Oncologist) said that it is certainly worth a shot. He did not want to risk the possible bad side effects from the iron and other drugs if it is not absolutely necessary. SOOOOOO, I have a new iron supplement to take 3 times a day (if tolerated---so far, so good) and have my labs drawn again in a month. If the levels are the same, or any lower, THEN I will have an infusion. So there I was, feeling "all dressed up with no place to go". I had worked myself up and was kind of nervous about the whole thing for nothing. We went to Trader Joe's (my FAVORITE) then to New Orleans Take Out (awesome). My aunt and uncle now live in Rockford after being displaced by Katrina. They said the food was just like home. I got back into Rockford in time to go to work for 3 hours. Thanks to all that sent me info and good wishes, I will save them for next month!
on 7/17/07 8:40 pm - Rileyville, VA
Topic: Updates...Good and Bad
Well, since we have been having computer problems I am running behind on my updates on the weight and inches. I have put in the weight that I was on my 9th month anniversary but the inches are from this morning. I weighed yesterday morning and I am now down to 169!!! That is 95 lbs gone!!! Seems as though -100 will never get here. There is alot of stress going on in the household. My son's DNA came back and he was they could not convict him of Rape. They did how ever charge him with Attempt of Sexual Battery or Assault....I can't remember which on it is. With that being said he leaves today for jail. He got 1 year but if he is good while there then he will only have to pull 6 months. We had a family outting over the weekend. Took the kids and my youngest son's girlfriend to Kings Dominion Saturday. I have posted new pictures in my profile of us if anyone would like to take a look. So here is my success for the last month.... Weight: 171 1 month: 6 lbs Total : -93 lbs Inches loss: 4 1/2 Total: 72 1/2 inches BMI: Oct.4th - 42.61 July 4th - 27.6 Down 15.01 pts. On a happy note I am pleased to announce my job advancement at work. I have been promoted to Customer Service Mgr. I was just told this Sunday. I haven't started the job yet because I have to wait until they find a replacement for me in photo lab. This is the highest I can go with the company before becoming an Asst. Mgr. and be on salary pay. I have thought about getting into the Asst. Mgr. program but I am using this new job to see how I would like to be higher up in management. I will stay with this new job for hopefully a few years to learn all I can and then decide if an asst. mgr. is what I want to become. These new jobs opportunities is my way in the door to maybe finanically making it on my own should I decide to go for a divorce. Right now everything is going pretty good with my husband and I but I never know when things will flare up again. The doctor has changed his anti-depression meds and it seems to work better for him. Well, just thought I would drop by and give you all an update on myself. Sorry I am not posting much anymore but I do check in and see how you all are from time to time. Take care everyone..... Lisa S
on 7/17/07 1:38 pm - Orange, CA
Topic: RE: Long time no post...
So glad to see everyone is still around!! And everything is going good for you! I think once the weather gets bad people will be back on too.. Thanks for the love guys!! Talk to you at the 100 lbs mark!!!! Luvs and hugs! Tiff
on 7/17/07 12:28 pm - Austin, AR
Topic: RE: Deciding on your goal weight - your "stopping point"
Evelyn, You are doing great and I am one of the shorties at 5' 4.5" plus as my doctor put it when I had my surgery done I was a light one I was just barely 100lbs over weight and right at a BMI of 40. Honestly I barely qualified if it wasn't for the strong family history of heart disease I probably wouldn't have been approved. My reason for the surgery was for better health and to hopefully reduce my chances of heart disease in the future. We all have our own weight where we are comfortable and no matter what size someone else is what is important is that we are comfortable with ourself and where we are in our life whether it be with weight, work or whatever. Look at where you are comfortable and don't let anyone else tell you, that you don't need to loose more weight or you need to loose more weight. You make that choice it's your body and your life do what feels right to you. Be the person that make you happy.
on 7/17/07 12:17 pm - Austin, AR
Topic: RE: Deciding on your goal weight - your "stopping point"
Thanks for the info Susan. I will look into it. I have been at 140 for a month and my 1 year is October 9th so by then I should be stable for 3-4 months. Is this also true for those who are retired because my husband offically retired July 1? My biggest problem in the excess skin in my tummy and it would be nice to have it removed. Having the "girls" lifted" wouldn't be bad either and I guess if I wear a bra to small I could get the straps to dig in, but I really don't have that problem. Where did you find all the information at?
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