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I think I did well for day 3. I had protein drink for breakfast. The meat and cheese from lasagna. I didn't eat the noodles. I hadn't had time to make anything to take with me for lunch so I haad to venture up to the cafeteria. I was going to get soup, but they only had cream of broccoli. Broccoli makes me dump so badly I didn't want to try it. Everything else was fried. I had a little of my stew for dinner. The broth and meat were really tasty and easy to eat. I avoided the potatoes I had put in it. I drank all day except when I wasn't supposed to drink.
Topic: RE: Dropping in to say hello!
Hi, Sherry. Nice to "see" you again. Don't be a stranger. Sorry to here that your weight loss is coming to a stop. It'll get moving again. Try increasing your proteins and water. I've been losing and gaining the same 4-5 pounds for the past couple of months, this week it is finally moving again, thanks to the pouch test I am doing. Hang in there, it will get moving again. You SHOULD be proud of how far you have come.
Keep up the great work.
Day 4: Firm Protein
Protein Recommendations: ground meat (beef, turkey, lamb) cooked dry and lightly seasoned, shellfish, scallops, lobster steamed and seasoned only with lemon, salmon or halibut steaks, grilled and lightly seasoned. By now you should be experiencing that familiar tightness that will reassure you that your pouch is working. Remember to drink plenty of water between meals. Take some time to meditate and rediscover the wonder of your pouch. Often we don't like that uncomfortable tightness of the pouch, which is why we gradually move toward slider foods that don't make us uncomfortable. It is always my preference to eat moist protein so I don't get uncomfortable, but this allows me to consume more than I should. Rediscovering the pouch with this 5-day plan reminds me of how the tool really works. I hope by now you are rediscovering your tool and enjoying the hope and excitement because your pouch still works.
A word about constipation: A shift to high protein diet often results in constipation. To relieve this you may try adding a fibrous fruit snack to your morning and a fibrous vegetable snack in the afternoon. Fruit suggestions are apples, berries, apricots, cantaloupe or oranges. For vegetables try leafy greens, zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, summer squash or string beans.
Beginning Weight:
Today's Weight:
How are you feeling today?
Are you still hanging in there?
Does your pouch feel any tighter?
One more day. Hope you are enjoying this little test.
Hang in there.
What was your beginning weight? 166.5
What was your weight this morning? 162
What are you eating today? I had Cottage Cheese for breakfast, Tilapia and some tomatoes for Lunch and Shrimp ****tail for dinner. I also had a protein shake for a snake and a few cheez-its. Darn Meg for dragging them out of the cupboard to put in a cup for her while I was hungry. I know I should have resisted them, but I didn't. No sweat.
How are you feeling? I'm feeling good. I was glad to be able to eat real food today.
Are you craving carbs? Not really craving them, like I was last week. But still enjoy them and always will.
Are you remembering to stop drinking 30 minutes before your meals and wait until 30 minutes after you meals to begin drinking again? I did remember to stop drinking before my dinner and didn't drin****il 30 minutes after. Did good with water today.
Tomorrow is stuffed peppers for dinner. YUMMO!!!
Topic: RE: I am disgusted
Allison, I so feel for you. Sciatica is horrible and became a part of my life back around 1996, I believe it was. And, as an asthmatic, I've done prednisone too and know what that's like. I haven't had problems with either since surgery, but know that I still could. My younger brother has always been very fit and athletic, but he still gets sciatic attacks that leave him virutally crippled as well.
Hang in there and DON'T beat yourself up over this. It's temporary and you WILL feel better again and get it back together. Don't let the emotional upset add to the physical problem, as that will make it even more difficult to heal. Try to relax, take deep breathes, and allow your body to heal. Be gentle with yourself.
Big hugs for you.
Topic: RE: I am disgusted
I agree with you 100%, I need a day at the spa. I am trying so hard to make good food choices again. I posted above that I have made a clean sweep of the closet and filled it back up with healthier choices. I am so sick of being sick! I have been watching EVERYTHING I eat and I step on the scale to see it go up a pound. It is so heartbreaking and very discouraging. Hopefully, things will turn around and the rain cloud that is over my head will leave! I need to see a brighter day! This is going on WAY tooooooo long!
Thanks for your kind words and support

Topic: RE: I am disgusted
Thank you for the kind words Tiff. It did make me feel better to eat at the time but now I am kicking myself in the butt for allowing myself to fall back into the trap. I have cleared out the closets and restocked with healthier choices. No more chocolate licorice!!! LOL My doctor has given me a cortisone injection. I am starting to move around a little better every day.

Topic: RE: I am disgusted
Thank you for your kind words and advice. I am increasing my water and I bought lots of cheese and other "good" items. I actually ordered protein last night. I really have never found one that I like so I ordered New Whey, chocolate, and Nectar...lemon tea. I hope I like them because I am so sick of spending the money for protein and not liking it. Then, I end up throwing it away!