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Topic: RE: Living in VA finally!!
So glad to see you back again. Please let us know your new address so we can add you to the October Birthday list
Glad everything is going well for you. Congrats on the next phase of plastics.

Topic: RE: What would you do?
It is hard to admit to being overweight and obese even when you are overweight and obese. But people seem to have such a poor impression of wls and the successes. I would want to shout to the world "Look! I took charge of my life and health! If I can do it, so can you!!!"
Topic: Living in VA finally!!
Hi all!!
Sorry I've been MIA for a while. The move is finally complete - more or less. Still have a few boxes to unpack - full of books and decorative items.
We LOVE it here in VA!! It's really beautiful and our view is awesome! The kids all seem to be enjoying their schools so far. I'm busy driving them around and trying to get everyone acclimated to the area. I've been terribly busy - doing a lot of nothing, it seems.... It's been crazy.
I'm doing good with weight loss, down to 135 now. Thinking about plastics on the tummy definitely - and maybe boobs. Just need to get into see a doc here in VA and get the referral process started for my insurance. Wish me luck!!
Hope everyone else is doing well!!! Take care and keep on keeping on!!

Topic: What would you do?
Ok, you know I am doing my diabetes walk next month. They've asked people for their stories - why they are doing this - and I told the woman I speak with about losing my brother, about my own experience as a diabetic, and about my weight loss and how I turned things around. She wants to send it to their PR Director, with my permission. I don't know how I feel about that.
I could be good PR for them. And it could be inspiring to others. But do I really want to tell the world that I weighed 300 lbs a year ago? Do I want that image of me out there for everyone to gawk at? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you know what I mean? Am I just being a coward?
What would you do? Why?
Topic: RE: Count Down to Step Up!
Way to go Lisa! I'm very proud of you and what you are going to accomplish. I know you can do it. You are a strong and powerful woman
Thank you for the reminder. I did just make my donation. I hope that you do make your goal of $2500.

Topic: Count Down to Step Up!
Dear Friends:
Only one more month now until I Step Up to Fight Diabetes!
Diabetes kills more people in the USA each year than AIDS and breast cancer combined and the number of people affected by diabetes is growing throughout
the world. The ADA reports that one in three Americans born today will develop diabetes if the current trend is not reversed. The complications of this disease are many, dangerous, and deadly.
Now is the time to act! The ADA needs money to continue the fight to end diabetes, to educate the public, and to help those already affected. Please join me in the battle by going to to donate online.
Due to the kindness of my supporters, I have raised a total of $2210 so far.
One month from today I will be walking ten miles and climbing 1000 steps toward ending the scourge of diabetes for good. My longest practice walk so far has been seven miles. And I never miss the chance to take the stairs. I'm really looking forward to this challenge!
My website again is
Thank you!